There's a Podcast All Right
There's a podcast all right: musings on the gifted and the damned. A character by character based discussion about Twin Peaks and Fire Walk With Me with ladies in charge. Listen to us discuss every nuance of every detail concerning characters, themes, alternate dimensions, Hawk's beautiful face, and bunnies. Yes, it's all about the bunnies. Hot tip: there *may* be dating quizzes involved. Theme music is No Prayer by Mercy Bell. We're @theresapodar on social. New episodes every other Thursday.
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There's a Podcast All Right
Blackie O'Reilly
Goldie, Janna and Katy dive right into the serious stuff in this episode: (content/trigger warnings!) abuse, addiction. Then recover by diving into fashion! Plus, is Blackie ignoring her imaginary boyfriend? How many connections are there to Sunset Blvd? We love Norma. And Nancy is a bitch.
Theme song is No Prayer by Mercy Bell. Visit
#Blackie #BlackRose #BlackieOReilly #VictoriaCatlin #TwinPeaks #OneEyedJacks