There's a Podcast All Right

Great Norther Staff

There's a Podcast All Right Episode 12

Is Senor Droolcup real? Is he a vampire? And who is Samantha? Goldie, Janna, and Katy are asking the tough questions no one has asked before in this episode.

In this episode Bob, Julie, Trudy, Louie, Randy, Jeff and the rest of the Great Northern Staff get their 15 seconds in the spotlight.

Okay, Bob. O-K, Bob.

Mercy Bell
Our theme song is No Prayer by Mercy Bell. Visit
Mercy also performs live on instagram occasionally.
Riverdale High AV Club
Join the gang at the Chok'lit Shoppe!
Sibling duo Megan and Ezra explore all things Archie, diving deep into the history of the Riverdale gang. Join them at the Chok'lit Shoppe and get to know the colorful characters who have inspired eighty years of comics, all while laughing, learning, and exploring every corner of the globe. After all, who doesn't love a redheaded boy?

#ourpodastnotyours #samanthaistheunsunghero #twinpeakswiki #hospitality #personalitytest #salish #salishlodge #dining #theattic #spa #senordroolcup #fuckitbucket #bobbybriggssandwich #murderonelmstreet #beverlygetsherownepisode #twinpeaks #davidlynch #theresapodcastallright #theresapodar #tapar #ladiesincharge